The advantages of distance learning are many. It helps both educators and students learn more effectively. It also helps students make better decisions about the course of study that they are interested in. While in-person teaching is preferable, it is not always possible or the best approach for all situations. This article will look at the benefits and disservices of distance learning. It will also give an idea of the pros and cons.
The benefits of distance learning include flexibility. It can be completed while working, thereby avoiding costly relocating expenses. Distance learning is also possible at anytime, as long as you have access to the Internet. This can be a huge plus if you can’t travel to school on a regular basis. Students can also avoid having to deal with student loan debt. However, students should remember that some disadvantages of distance learning outweigh the advantages.
Some disservices of distance learning include the risk of isolation. While there is a chance of being secluded, students should know that online learning has many opportunities for social interaction. A Program Mentor will help students navigate the online curriculum, while the other students are there to help each other with course-related questions. WGU also boasts a large alumni network, which can help them in case of any difficulties.
Distance learning exposed disparities in technology, economic status, and educational quality. Due to this, many school districts now offer Wi-Fi and laptops to all students so that they can access and use the internet while studying. In some instances, distance learning is a supplement to a regular classroom, but in many cases, the learning experience is more personal and individual. The main disadvantages of distance learning are the lack of face-to-face interaction, which is necessary for the successful completion of a degree.