welding wire The original metal for soldering is not required by the AWS Standard. But the classification Defined by major alloying elements
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1. Details of each type of solder metal are as follows:
Tin-Lead is a very popular and inexpensive solder solder. The mixture contains 61.9% tin and 38.1% lead, melting at 362 °F (183 °C). of eutectic alloys with the lowest melting point of the alloy But there is no temperature range during solidification. (Paste Range) A good soft solder is tin, lead, 50-50% ratio, suitable for use at room temperature at no more than 15 Psi and at no more than 250 °F at low pressure. Nick 30A
when the amount of tin increases will improve the flow rate and wetting Due to tin gives a wider Pasty Range.
Tin-Antimony-Lead Antimony is added to this type of solder to achieve high strength, especially tensile and creep strength, but brazing is possible. Difficult to solder with tin lead wire due to poor flow of solder. this type of welding wire
Suitable for active soldering applications up to about 333 F, but not recommended for aluminum, milk, galvanized steel or other zinc-containing materials.
Thin Antimony This soft solder has higher strength than Tin Lead and Tin Antimony Lead. Tune-Antimony is more difficult to do due to the flow of Bad solder paste 95.5 % Tin-Antimony soft solder can be used at temperatures up to 250 F but has a narrow pasty range and is therefore not suitable for soldering in a vertical position. This solder does not contain lead and therefore is not dangerous. Therefore, it is commonly used to solder food containers tvboxbee.
Tin-Zinc This soft solder is used for brazing aluminum and has a melting point of 390-708 F. As the zinc content increases, the melting point increases accordingly. The solder mixture ratio is 91 % V and 9 % Zn. It is a soft solder that has good fluidity on aluminum surfaces. and has good corrosion resistance in combination with aluminum
Cadmium Zinc This soft solder is used for brazing aluminum with wide joint spacing, good strength and good corrosion resistance.
Cadmium Silver This type of solder has good fluidity and strength but is expensive. The silver content provides good fluidity and strength suitable for soldering copper pipes. Work at temperatures up to 425 °F.
Zinc-Aluminum It is a soft solder containing 95% Zn, 5% Aluminum. It is a solder with a high melting point of 72 °F due to its high zinc content. and is also resistant to high corrosion as well
Paste Solders This type of solder consists of a fine powder of Lead and zinc ratio 50-50 mixed in a creamy flux. Vertical soldering is required. caution Because during soldering flux may escape from the joint to the bottom. Form of soft solder
The commonly used forms are welding wire with diameters ranging from 0.010- 0.30 inches. They are also available according to the needs of the application, including thick sheets, thin sheets, powders, creams, tapes, etc therightmessages.
flux for soft soldering
Fluxes for soldering are available in liquid form. solid and gas which acts as follows
(1) Prevent metal surfaces from forming oxides during heating.
(2) allows the soft solder to flow into the joint well.
(3) Stir the oxide from the molten solder.
(4) Increase the molten reaction of the solder paste. with low surface tension
Fluxes can be divided into 3 groups:
(1) Highly Corrosive Flux
(2) moderate corrosion (Intermediate Flux)
(3) No corrosion (Non-Corrosive Flux)
8.2 Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding AWS Standard A58-92 (Filler Metals for Brazing and Braze Welding) Requirements
This standard specifies the separation of solder metals. For brazing and brazing
This includes both flux and non-flux brazing. There are several types of atmospheric protection, for example:
vacuum etc celebritylifecycle.
2. Classification of solder metals
Soldiers are classified according to their chemical composition.
There are 7 groups of standard solder alloys according to the main alloying elements as follows:
(1) money
(2) gold
(3) Aluminum
(4) Copper
(5) Nickel
(7) Magnesium
8.3 Requirements for brazing alloys and copper alloy brazing alloys DIN 8513 Part 1 October 1979
(Brazing and Braze Weld Filler Metals Copper Base Brazing Alloys)
This standard applies to copper and copper alloy solders. for brazing and brazing of hard metals including cast iron, copper and nickel.
1. Solder symbol
Table 1 shows the code or number of the solder material. For solder metal symbols, the code L-CuZn40 or material number 2.0367 has the following symbols.
Brazing Alloy DIN 8513-L-CuZn 40 or Brazing Alloy DIN 8513-2.0367
2. Composition and physical properties
Copper alloy These include copper-zinc (brass), copper-nickel zinc (new silver), copper-phosphorus, copper alloys
and copper-tin. Zinc, tin, or phosphorus alloys are used to vary the melting and operating temperatures of alloys starwikibio.