With the arrival of technology and social media, our lives have been tremendously altered. The influence has been such that it is rather difficult to go a few days without it. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, have also made it quite common for people to get updates about you within a matter of seconds. People now have your information, where you eat, and who you are with at a certain point within reach of their fingers. But what if we told you that it all comes with a price? If you are considering pursuing a legal or insurance claim, we suggest that the best course of action would be to get rid of social media. If you are not able to do that, at least be very mindful of what you post online. A personal injury lawyer at Turco Legal, P.C., can help you understand further. There are, however, certain things you can do still and we will take a look at those.
What can you do?
First and foremost, the very first thing that can do is make sure you are not letting strangers into your account. Even if your account was public for the longest time, we think it’s better if you make it private. Having your account public will give the insurance company or the other party’s attorney access to your life, which they can twist and turn according to their wishes. While you do that, you must also understand that making your account private is not the only solution. You should also keep an eye out if you receive new following requests from people you already know.
Don’t share too much:
It could be that you had plans with your friends to go to an event that required heavy exercise. Suppose you got injured in an accident that led to an injury. Even if you do not participate in an activity, if the defendant’s attorney or the insurer comes across the post, they can claim that your injury got aggravated due to your negligence as a ground to not pay you anything. Most of these places do not always have CCTV cameras, so it will definitely be difficult to prove them wrong.
Final thoughts:
If you are already in a pickle because of something you shared online and now need help in Boston, reach out to a lawyer.