According to the National Institutes of Health, herniated disc affects almost 20 of every 1000 Americans yearly. Roswell herniated disc often affects Americans aged between 30 to 60. A herniated disk or disc is the rupturing, slipping, or bulging of the elastic spinal disks. Spinal discs cushion spinal bones.
A herniated or slipped disc can strain adjacent spinal structures, especially the spinal nerves or cord. A pinched nerve will make its muscles less strong, leading to the pain and discomfort you feel in the lower back and legs. Additionally, your legs may become numb.
Most herniated disc cases often resolve within a few months without medical treatment. But your doctor will prescribe treatment if your herniated disc causes long-lasting, severe symptoms. Below are common medical remedies for a herniated disc.
Epidural corticosteroid injections
In your back, you have a region called the epidural space. That region is positioned in the spinal canal between the vertebral column and the dura mater of the spine. The epidural space runs from the base of your skull to the dural sac’s end.
The epidural space has a lot of spinal nerve roots. The delivery of steroid medication into the epidural matter using a needle can help numb the pinched nerves. As a result, inflammation and pain caused by a herniated disc can reduce significantly.
Physical therapy
Your doctor can refer your medical problem to a physical therapist. Although doctors agree that you need to rest when you have a bulged disc, keeping physically active can also boost recovery.
Physical therapy can help make your muscles, ligaments, nerves, and spinal bones stronger. That increases the flexibility of your back and thus relieves pressure from pinched nerves. Deep tissue massage and aerobic exercises like cycling can relieve symptoms of herniated discs.
A discectomy surgery
This invasive surgery can help relax affected spinal nerves and the spinal cord. It also enhances the firmness and flexibility of the spine’s structures.
A discectomy technique eliminates a part of the bruised or destroyed disk. A disc’s healthy or unaffected part remains in its natural position to protect the spinal bones. Your health provider might also recommend a spinal fusion.
A spinal infusion is a surgical technique that can assist in joining two or more spine bones. Your surgeon will use a tiny bone from another area of your body, particularly the hip. The bone, which may also be synthetic or from a donor, is placed between the healthy and damaged discs.
The bone graft gradually helps fuse vertebral bones, forming a stable and durable spine. Bulging discs do not correctly cushion the bones of your spine, making it prone to excessive motion and movement.
When you seek relief, your doctor will ask more about your symptoms and review your health history. Your health provider will also subject you to a diagnostic imaging procedure, such as magnetic resonance imaging scans. Clinical diagnosis will show if you have a herniated disk and show its location.
Contact Apex Spine and Neurosurgery today to schedule a consultation with a specialist that can diagnose and treat herniated discs.