1: What is a custom backdrop?
A custom backdrop is a printed vinyl background, custom cut and seamed to your specific dimensions. They can be ordered in many different materials: muslin, canvas, paper and vinyl. Custom backdrops come in standard sizes or custom sizes (any size you want!).
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2: Why would I need custom backdrops?
There are several reasons why creating custom backdrops makes sense for photographers. Here’s just a few of them: – You can create custom sizes that perfectly fit your style and space – Avoid awkward equipment set-ups when using store-bought paper or vinyl roll backgrounds – Create quick and easy DIY projects by transforming old items into studio backdrops – Get unique custom backdrops to stand out from the crowd at your local photography group or meetups.
3: How can you print custom sized backdrops?
You need to use either a custom printing company, a custom fabric printer or make your own custom sized backdrop using free software and an A0 printer. Each option has its pros and cons.
Let’s go through them one-by-one in a little more detail:
Option 1: Create custom backdrops with a custom printing company
This is the most expensive option but it’s also the most efficient when trying to achieve high quality results. It is also the only option that lets you create very large custom sizes, which come in extremely useful when photographing certain subjects. If you want to create custom backdrops of larger than A2 custom sizes (which is A2 +) then you’ll need to use a custom printing company like Backdrop Outlet.
Option 2: Create custom backdrops with custom fabric printers
If your custom backdrop needs are not too extensive and if you’re ok with less accurate colors, then this option is for you. Most custom fabric printers can print almost any custom size that you want but their quality will suffer when they get to the edges of the material they’re printing on. That means if they print an A3+ in width, it will be very difficult for them to match the color at the top and bottom edge because it’s actually cutting off part of the print. They can’t match it perfectly because they’re cutting a custom shape out of the standard paper roll that they have.
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Option 3: Make your own custom backdrops using free software and an A0 printer
This is by far the cheapest option but it requires some work on your part. The good thing about this method is that it allows you to create custom backdrops at any size you need, as long as your printer can handle it! To do this all you need to do is take a custom sized photograph in Photoshop and re-size so that you can create a file big enough for an A0 printer (33×46 inches). Then you simply send the file off to be printed and wait for custom backdrop heaven!
One of the custom backdrops we printed for a client on a larger-than-A2 size.
4: How much do custom backdrops cost?
Custom backdrops come in many different prices depending on their materials, custom sizes and company that print them. You can find custom backdrop printers selling muslin custom backdrops as cheap as $18 per backdrop or as expensive as $155 per backdrop! A custom paper/vinyl background from Backdrop Outlet starts at $35 for an 8×8 custom sized. If you want to go down the DIY route then be prepared to spend some time creating your own files but it’s still very affordable if you have access to an A0 printer (usually around $75).
5: How long does custom backdrop printing take?
It depends on which custom backdrop or custom fabric printer you go with, or if you decide to make your own custom sized background. For example, Backdrop Outlet custom backdrops are shipped within 1-2 business days after they’re printed whereas custom fabric printers will often need a little more time to cut the material and prepare before shipping. To make your own custom backdrops using an A0 printer takes much longer because it can sometimes take several hours just to create one file at the correct size!
Custom backdrop printing is not as expensive or difficult as you might think!
Custom backdrops are a popular choice with photographers who shoot different types of models, particularly those who specialize in glamour photography. They allow photographers to produce custom looks without having to custom-build their own set.
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