Rugged is an adjective used to describe something durable. Rugged objects can withstand harsh conditions like rain and snow without falling apart or needing repair.
This bag meets those criteria perfectly.
Water Resistant
The wax canvas backpack is experiencing an exciting renaissance. A durable material that has stood the test of time for military backpacks & rucksacks, sails, tents, and outdoor gear applications; wax coating repels water droplets so droplets roll off instead of seeping through to form soggy bottoms; it now makes up a significant percentage of outdoor gear sales today.
Waxed canvas bags are waterproof and resistant to dirt, making them great for keeping items clean. When properly maintained, their appearance only gets better over time–just like leather does, developing an aged charm other fabrics cannot match.
If you value durability and versatility in your gear, this backpack may be exactly what you’re looking for. Crafted from waxed canvas for its rugged aesthetic and innovative features such as spacious interior with plenty of pockets to store all of your stuff; padded shoulders to keep your back comfortable; structured internal frame to evenly distribute its weight across its surface area and more, this piece makes the ideal daily carry or travel companion.
Resistant to Tears
Wax-treated canvas backpacks are less prone to tears than cotton rucksacks without waterproof coating, due to the incorporation of natural waxes such as beeswax into their fabric, creating stronger and more resilient materials that resist rips and tears.
Waxed canvas, much like full-grain leather, will gradually develop a unique patina over time and use. This process adds character to this backpack material while further increasing its durability and rugged charm.
Though its vintage appearance might deceive you, this American-made waxed canvas backpack features thoughtful modern features. It comes equipped with a comfortable padded sleeve designed to accommodate 15″ laptops as well as plenty of zippered storage compartments to keep everything tidy. Furthermore, its streamlined design doesn’t add extra weight onto your shoulders with its evenly distributed weight straps and large external pocket designed to hold maps or water bottles – plus extra gear can always be at hand through large external pockets designed for keeping essential gear at hand!
Resistant to Abrasion
Canvas fabric’s wax coating repels water, keeping it dry in harsh environments – an advantage which makes it ideal for military rucksacks, backpacks, tents, and other rugged equipment. Furthermore, this long-term material has proven itself durable enough to survive generations.
Waxed canvas fabric has an intriguing rustic charm, developing a beautiful patina over time as you use it. This gives bags and other accessories made of waxed canvas a natural substance and weightiness not found with synthetic materials.
Heavier bags tend to be more durable, helping it resist abrasions, scratches, and tears better than lighter versions. Wax canvas is ideal for hiking, camping, traveling abroad and stylish yet practical styling that pairs nicely with nature. However, occasional maintenance called “rewaxing” must also take place using either wax sprays or solid bars that coat its outer layer with waterproofing wax for long-term performance.
Resistant to Scratches
This classic-looking backpack packs thoughtful features. It can accommodate your laptop in its dedicated compartment, with pockets for water bottles and keys for other essentials like essentials.
This waxed canvas backpack is ideal for hikers. Its sturdy construction and rugged look only get better with age, while it is easy to keep clean – dust won’t penetrate its fabric, while dirt can simply be brushed off. Plus, you can wash it in your washing machine but remember to reproof afterwards!
Waxed canvas was first developed as sailcloth by 19th-century sailors, making its first appearance as sailcloth during World War 1. Tough and waterproof, waxed canvas features a rugged mottled look that gets better over time, making it the ideal material for hiking backpacks, duffel bags, dopp kits and fashion accessories alike. However, its breathability cannot compare with that of Cordura; DuPont created Cordura during WWII specifically for military equipment as expedition backpacks.