There are several risks associated with organ transplantation. Organs cannot survive outside the body and must be carefully matched with the recipient. Patients must be healthy enough for surgery and undergo immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection. However, these drugs have negative side effects, and the process has become controversial. Despite this, further research is needed to develop safer methods of organ transplantation. A successful kidney transplant can save a person’s life and improve their quality of living.
Controversial procedure
Xenotransplantation is a controversial procedure that involves the use of living tissues, organs, or cells of an animal as a replacement for an organ or tissue. The procedure requires removing the patient’s own tissue, blood, or other bodily fluids in the recipient. The patient must be able to tolerate the pain and discomfort of the procedure. While the risks are low, patients must be healthy enough to take antiviral drugs after transplant.
Viral infections
Viruses may also cause problems. Most people are unaware that they can contract viruses from other animals. The doctor will test the donor blood for viral infections before transplanting it into a patient. Some of these are harmless, but others can cause serious complications. For instance, HIV is a highly contagious virus that can survive for years before becoming infectious. Another risk of xenotransplantation is that the donor has some type of disease.