According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 57 million Americans have arthritis. The condition is a common reason for low productivity in the workplace and work absenteeism. Arthritis is a leading cause of disabling conditions that often make you take sick leave. Although there are over 100 forms of arthritis, the most prevalent types are rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA). Scott Ellsworth, MD, diagnoses and treats different forms of arthritis, to ensure you get significant pain relief to continue performing your daily activities normally.
Remember, without professional treatment of arthritis, an inflamed joint will worsen. The progression of arthritis will destroy your affected joint, leading to debilitating pain and deformed wrists, knees, hips, knuckles, or ankles.
Subsequently, below are potential conservative treatments for arthritis.
Healthy eating
You can get relief if you have joint inflammation and eat a balanced diet regularly that supplies your body with all the vital nutrients, including antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.
Your doctor or nutritionist might recommend that you consume the Mediterranean diet, a healthy eating plan associated with the people living around the Mediterranean Sea.
The Mediterranean diet consists of fish, nuts, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. On the other hand, beverages and foods you need to avoid are alcohol, red meat, and salty, fried, sugary, or processed foods.
Physical activity and exercises
Although you may need to rest when you have a flare-up in joint inflammation, a lack of physical activity for an extended period can weaken your muscles, stiffen your joints, and reduce the flexibility and motion in affected joints.
Moderately intense exercises such as dancing, swimming, strolling, and brisk walking can improve your mood, enhance your range of joint motion and flexibility, and increase the strength and endurance of your joints and muscles.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications
Your doctor can prescribe non-steroidal medications if you have rheumatoid arthritis or other forms of arthritis to help relieve pain, discomfort, and inflammation.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy involves your doctor injecting concentrated platelets rich in growth factors into the inflamed joint or joints, even if it is in your spinal column.
PRP treatment relies on the body’s natural defense and healing mechanism to jump-start the healing of affected joints, leading to improved function.
Stem cell therapy
Researchers have established that stem cell therapy can be excellent for reducing inflammation and improving joint functions if you have arthritis.
The treatment involves injecting you with stem cells, basic human cells that often develop into specialized cells.
Hyaluronic acid injections
Also called hyaluronate, hyaluronic acid is a gooey, slippery chemical or substance the body produces naturally. It is available throughout your body, especially in your joints, and is essential in cushioning and lubricating joints and other tissues.
You can also benefit from relief against joint inflammation if your doctor recommends steroid injections or RICE therapy.
If conservative and minimally invasive treatments do not provide adequate relief, your doctor may advise you to undergo joint replacement therapy.
Contact Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance today to schedule an appointment with a specialist and learn more about the available treatment options.