Drinking water available these days is overloaded with harmful chemicals. These chemicals are released from various water treatment plants. This results in the loss of the natural minerals present in water. The principal contaminating agent in water is total dissolved solids (TDS). These elements are left in water even after the normal filtration process.
Any contaminant bigger than 2 microns is generally known as total dissolved solids. Fine filters remove particles which are around 0.45 microns. Medium to large quantities of TDS present in water is bad for health. A RO water purifier is an effective strategy for reducing TDS levels. Before we find out how to remove TDS, we must know a little about them.
What Do You Mean By TDS?
Various organic and inorganic materials, including some minerals and ions, constitute total dissolved solids (TDS). Water passes over stones, rocks, pipes and different surfaces. This leads to the disintegration of these substances, and it gets absorbed into the water.
TDS in water originates from different sources- minerals found in chemicals, fertiliser from farms, runoffs from roads etc. The most important constituents of TDS are Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Chloride, Sulphate and Carbonate.
What Is The Purpose Of Measuring TDS?
It is essential to test the water and check its quality before consumption. The water must be checked for its taste; a high TDS content gives a bitter taste to water. If present in water, some substances, such as lead and copper, can cause health problems.
Water which has a TDS value of greater than 1000mg/L is not drinkable. The toxic substance in the form of TDS can adversely affect children. Children are highly sensitive to these chemicals.
You can be assured good health if you drink pure and safe water. Kent water purifier service in Delhi provides the best water purifiers in India. It comes with a TDS controller built to make water safe for consumption.
Why Should You Check On The TDS Level?
Sometimes water, even after filtration, contains a high amount of TDS. This gives water a harsh and salty flavour. A high TDS changes the taste of water and gives it a bitter metallic taste. This indicates the presence of toxic minerals in the water that are hazardous to health. TDS increases the hardness of water, which causes scale build-up in pipes, marks on utensils and kitchen appliances and dry hair.
What Are The Ways To Lower The TDS Levels?
TDS can be removed by forcing water under high pressure through a synthetic membrane. This is what is known as the Reverse Osmosis technique. The artificial membrane contains minute pores that allow molecules smaller than 0.0001 microns to pass through. The dissolved salts and metals are larger compared to water molecules.
This allows water to squeeze through the membrane leaving the bigger molecules behind. The Kent RO service near me Delhi provides me with the best water purifier. This helps remove all dissolved substances from the water, making it suitable for drinking.
Distillation is a process of boiling water and producing steam. The vapour rises to a cool surface and condenses to its liquid form. The dissolved minerals and metals cannot do this and are left behind.
When water is passed through a positive and negative electrode, it is called deionisation (DI). An ion-selective membrane lets the positive ions of water move towards the negative electrode. This makes the water deionised and highly pure. The non-ionic contaminants are removed from water through RO first and then sent for DI.
Which Is The Best Choice Of Water Purifier To Reduce TDS?
The choice of your water purifier depends on what type of water supply you receive. In most cities across India, Municipal Corporation supplies water for daily use, including drinking water. This water can contain impurities and, in some cases, small amounts of microbes. Even groundwater, at times, has a high amount of TDS.
The TDS meter makes you aware of the TDS levels in the water. A TDS value greater than 200 mg/L in water should be purified through RO. A UV water purifier can fix drinking water with a TDS value of less than 200mg/L.
Any water purifier with advanced purification technology can give healthy and pure water. It is time to make a healthy choice for you and your family.