There are many types of diabetes, and no two people will experience the same symptoms. There is no one-size-fits-all diet for diabetics. The good news is that there are a few tips that can help you control blood sugar, cholesterol, weight, and blood pressure and reduce the risk of diabetes complications. Try some of these tips and you’ll be eating better in no time. Here are some helpful suggestions to help you get started.
Choose nutritious foods
Choose nutritious foods. Choosing fresh fruits and vegetables is always best, but you can also find nutritional food in canned, frozen, and dried forms. Beans are great because they contain fiber and protein, which will keep you full longer. Be sure to buy no-salt-added beans and drain them before cooking. The carbohydrate content of half a cup of boiled black beans contains 20.4 grams of carbohydrates.
Limit your intake of carbohydrates. Your body processes carbohydrates into sugar. Whole grains are the healthiest choice for people with diabetes, but white rice is fine too. It’s important to know that whole-grain foods have the same serving size. Avoid red meats, processed foods, and meat. A balanced diet includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. If you’re unsure how much of each food you should eat, you can look at sample meal menus for a week.