Class 10 English Multiple choice questions (MCQs) with answers on Chapters ‘Sermon at Benares’ and ‘The Proposal’. Students can practise these questions here for free and prepare for their final exams. CBSE Class 10 English MCQs The Sermon at Benares will give an insight into the story. Similarly, ‘The Proposal’ chapter MCQs will also help students to understand the chapter in a better way. All these objective-type questions are prepared as per the latest edition of the Class 10 English First Flight book following the syllabus. Class 10 students of academic session 2022-2023 can practice the questions on both the last two chapters (10 and 11) of the Class 10 English First Flight book.
About Chapter 10 – The Sermon at Benares
The chapter “The Sermon at Benares” reflects the story of Gautam Buddha, who was born in a royal family. His actual name was Siddhartha and he got married to a princess named Yashodhara. At an early age, he sacrificed his luxurious life and amenities and searched for salvation. After travelling for around seven years, he finally realised life under a peepal tree situated at Bodhgaya. Later he went to Benares, a holi city in Uttar Pradesh, to deliver his first sermon. He made lady Kisa Gotami realise that the life of humans are not immortal and death cannot be prevented for anyone. He also made her understand that she should not be worried about the things that are happening, as it will increase her pain and sorrow. According to Buddha, one should understand that we should not get upset about what is happening to live a happy life ahead.
About Chapter 11 – The Proposal
This chapter tells the story of rich families that marries their children to other rich families to increase their wealth. The Proposal is a story of greedy families that revolves around Lomov, Chubukov, Natalya and other characters. These people here compare their properties and luxurious life style what they have. They also fall into arguments sometimes to show themselves as upper than the other. Read the complete story and answer The Proposal Class 10 English MCQs available here. You may grow your own perspective on life once you have been through this chapter and understand that money is not just everything in a marriage.
MCQs on Class 10 English Chapter 10 and Chapter 11
Find the MCQs (multiple choice questions) with answers for Class 10 English First Flight book Chapter 10 (The Sermon at Benares) and Chapter 11 (The proposal). Practise well to get good marks in your examinations smihub.