You must have heard of CBD oil or cannabis oil, or hemp oil. It sounds like it’s a magic cure for 100 ailments, and luckily studies show it to be true.
Hormones have never before been studied as often as they are today. Every fifth woman independently monitors the levels of certain hormones in order to take timely measures. Today it is not fashionable to use ordinary herbs and potions but extracts.
Hormones are substances – formed in a specific place in the body, pass into the blood and, from there, send action signals to other organs and systems. They are formed and released when a person has to comply and take action. For example, our ability to assess danger and choose the response depends on them. If you are looking for high-quality organic hemp and CBD oil products, click here. If you want to learn more about hormones and CBD’s effect on them, keep reading this article.
What is the endocrine system?
The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands, and each of them produces different hormones that are responsible for various processes in the body. It is responsible for metabolism, reproduction, motor function, sexual development, and growth, and even a small change can have a big impact on human health. Here are some of them:
It produces two main hormones: T3 and T4. This particular gland is responsible for metabolism (how the body uses the energy it receives) and the hormones it produces. It determines the rate of metabolism. Depending on the hormones the gland produces and releases or does not produce – you can have a slow or fast metabolism. If your thyroid is a slower one, it can cause some people to gain weight quickly and suffer from a lack of energy. In general too much or too little of the thyroid hormones can cause two opposite conditions – hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.
Pituitary gland
Directs and controls the activity of all other glands in the body related to growth and development. Produces the growth hormone – prolactin (which helps with the production of milk in pregnant women and new mothers), follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone. In men, it stimulates the production of sperm; in women – eggs, and both sexes – of sex hormones. It also activates the other glands.
This gland is responsible for our appetite, thirst, sleep, emotional reactions, moods, body temperature regulation, sexual behavior and more. When a problem occurs in the body, the hypothalamus receives a signal and responds by releasing hormones to the pituitary gland, whose role is to trigger and direct most of the other glands.
What symptoms due to hormonal imbalance does CBD help?
Because endocannabinoid system receptors are located throughout the body, including the brain, and influence the endocrine system, CBD can alleviate many symptoms in women suffering from hormonal imbalances. In the transition to menopause, CBD oil helps women cope with a large number of symptoms caused by fluctuating hormones like:
When we give our bodies the cannabinoids CBD and THC, they bind to endocannabinoid receptors to increase levels of their own cannabinoid anandamide to relieve anxiety symptoms. They also work to reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Less stress, less anxiety.
Lower levels of melatonin and serotonin in the brain can lead to depression, and CBD helps the body produce more of these important hormones. Insomnia – Sleep problems are a common problem in menopause and can exacerbate other symptoms. By increasing the levels of melatonin the body produces, as well as lowering cortisol, CBD can help you get a good night’s sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation has long-term negative effects on the body and should be taken seriously.
Sleep problems are a common problem in menopause and can exacerbate other symptoms. By increasing the levels of melatonin the body produces, as well as lowering cortisol, CBD can help you get a good night’s sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation has long-term negative effects on the body and should be taken seriously.
High blood pressure
Fluctuating hormone levels can cause blood pressure to rise, and studies show that CBD has the potential to lower it.
Before and during your period, hormones change levels, and CBD can help fight inflammation, ease cramps, and regulate mood swings.
Digestive Disorders
CBD is effective in reducing inflammation in the digestive tract and relieving nausea.
Dry skin
As we age, the levels of certain hormones decrease and this affects the skin. It is the largest organ in the body and contains many cannabinoid receptors. Hemp is rich in vitamins and nutrients, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have enormous benefits for the skin. It also has anti-aging effects, and can reduce fine lines, as well as delay the signs of aging.
To Sum it Up…
How many times, today, have you had to react to certain stimuli and make your choices?
There are so many that you can’t even count them. And that’s okay. When we have deviations from our hormone levels, our choices, reactions, and movements change and inevitably affect our lives. CBD can help us regulate that.