After RJD and Congress used it, BJP and JD(U) responded. The BJP version talks about development in Bihar and mentions investment in educational institutes and startups. The JD(U) version has garnered the most attention. Despite the controversy, a number of people have embraced the song and it has become a popular political symbol. While the BJP song is a positive one, the NDA version has been met with some openculture.
The English version of BiharSong has a different meaning. The song is named after a famous state in Bihar. It was released in the year 2018 and has a one-minute duration. The song is available to stream online in JioSaavn. It is also referred to as Robin Hood of Bihar. The video is accompanied by a poem written by a prominent politician. The song’s lyrics are a tribute to Bihar and its citizennews.
There are many Bihari folk songs associated with everyday life events. Some of them are centered around religion and other religious observances. Other popular Bihari folk songs are about childbirth and wedding, the paddy sowing and harvesting season, and even the freedom fighter Kunwar Singh’s heroic deeds. In addition to religious songs, many folk songs of Bihar revolve around religion. You can listen to a sample of these songs by reading the lyrics below.
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