Sleep is such an essential part of life. Proper rest is important for body regulation, mental health, and ensuring that there’s enough energy to have a productive day once the alarm goes off. A lack of sleep leaves you more susceptible to physical ailments, stress and depression, and general lethargy.
There are many reasons why you might struggle with sleep. You might have a condition that makes it difficult to fall asleep. Too many things on your mind might keep you up at night. Sleeping troubles might simply come from poor decision-making throughout the day. Whatever the issue may be, one of these five sleep tips should help you rest more easily:
1. Get a CPAP Mask
Sleep apnea is a fairly common condition costing Americans all over the nation valuable sleep. The constant starting and stopping of regular breathing of individuals with this disorder often jolts them awake. If you are a victim of sleep apnea, even as a mild condition, consider looking into getting a CPAP mask.
CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The mask is airtight and keeps your airways open while you sleep. No more being jerked awake by the start and stop of your breathing, helping you sleep through the night.
There are a lot of different types of masks, so do some research to find the best CPAP mask for you. There are masks that accommodate different sleeping positions, facial types, or partner desires. The variety increases your chances of finding a mask that fits your specific needs and preferences.
2. Unplug Your Devices
The temptation to scroll through social media while lying in bed is powerful. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common reasons why people struggle to fall asleep at night. Ditching the cell phone at night will be one of the best ways to ensure you can fall asleep more easily.
Electronic devices emit blue light. This type of light easily disrupts your circadian rhythm, which is your body’s internal sleep-wake cycle. Blue light limits the body’s ability to produce the hormone melatonin, which helps you to fall asleep.
Try setting a do not disturb time on your phone an hour before bed. Any notifications you get at that time can wait until morning. Charging your smartphone outside of your bedroom can also help with the temptation to grab it at night — when you should be closing your eyes.
3. Develop a Healthy Routine
What you do throughout the day and how you wind down at night greatly affects your ability to sleep. Bad habits, such as drinking caffeine before bed or staying up too late, can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Replace those bad habits with good habits and Z’s will be much easier to catch.
Start by identifying habits you have that might be preventing you from getting a good night’s rest. For example, eating a late dinner can keep you awake at night as your body focuses on digestion. Try moving your meals to an earlier time and only eating a light snack before bed if you’re feeling hungry at night.
Timing is what’s most important when developing a daily routine. A good activity at the wrong time can hurt your ability to sleep rather than help it. For instance, daily exercise chopper bike will usually help you sleep better, but exercising right before bed might have you too wound up to fall asleep.
4. Change the Ambience
Some people toss and turn at night because their sleeping quarters don’t provide a restful atmosphere. Noisy city streets, a messy room, or light peeking through a window are all examples of outside elements that can disrupt your sleep. To change how you sleep, you need to change the ambiance.
Let’s use those three examples to see how you can improve your sleeping situation. If cars driving by at night wake you up periodically, try drowning them out with a white noise machine. Black-out curtains will keep out unwanted light that might confuse your brain about what time it is. Last but not least, put a reminder in your phone to tidy your room each afternoon so a giant mess doesn’t weigh in the back of your mind.
Knowing what exactly is keeping you awake or waking you up will really help you make the right adjustments. Consider using a sleep journal to record the instances when your sleep has been disrupted. If you can spot a consistent pattern, you’ll have a better idea of what needs to change.
5. Learn to Manage Stress
Life is full of stressors. There will always be a news article, upcoming deadline, or personal concern that will be on your mind. You won’t always be able to resolve everything before bed each night, but there are steps you can take to manage stress and get good sleep.
Part of a good night’s rest is getting into the right mindset. If a warm bath and some soft music are what you need to wind down after a long day, then treat yourself! Self-care is such an important aspect of life whether you’re trying to get to sleep or just make it through a tough day.
Some people manage their stress through guided meditation. Using an app or prerecorded video, they can control their breathing and ease their emotions into a more restful state. If you know that your stress is going to keep you up tonight, give one of these sessions a try and see how effectively it calms you down.
Everyone deserves a restful night every night. Take matters into your own hands by taking the necessary steps to ensure that you’re not tossing and turning every night for the rest of your life.