If you have kidney failure (end-stage renal disease), you will require a kidney transplant or dialysis. Dialysis is a medical procedure that enables the cleansing of your body’s blood because your kidneys cannot do that job effectively. Before you can undergo dialysis, you will need Evergreen Park dialysis access. Dialysis access allows the linking of the blood detoxification machine to the blood vessels in your arm or leg.
After creating a minor incision site in your arm or leg, your doctor links your blood vessel with a catheter. The procedure is called peritoneal dialysis access if a small tube (a catheter) is placed to connect your bloodstream to the dialysis machine.
Arteriovenous (AV) fistula is a dialysis access surgery that allows your doctor to join a vein and an artery in your arm. Here is how you can prepare yourself for dialysis access surgery and some of the risks involved.
Ways of preparing for dialysis access
One of the best ways of ensuring you prepare well for dialysis access is by ensuring your blood vessels remain healthy. Because of that, avoid donating blood since it can strain and weaken your blood vessels.
Your specialist in dialysis access surgery might also require you to avoid consuming foods and beverages several hours before the procedure. A dialysis access specialist can also recommend exercising weeks before the minor surgery to strengthen your blood vessels. Stronger and more enlarged blood vessels can make connecting with a catheter or needle easier.
Potential risks of getting a dialysis access surgery
Whenever an opening is created in your body, there is always the risk of bleeding. Also, because this minor surgical procedure causes redirection of blood flow, the affected leg or arm can feel slightly colder.
But, if the leg or arm feels unusually numb or cold, consult your doctor immediately. That is because you may be slowly developing a serious medical issue related to that minor surgical procedure.
The swelling that will happen around the surgical site is normal. You can reduce the swelling on your leg or arm by elevating it slightly, such as placing it above a pillow.
Taking care of your dialysis access
Your doctor can teach you useful tips to assist you in taking care of your dialysis or vascular access. Proper care for your vascular access can reduce the severity or the possibility of developing risks and complications.
For example, your health provider will demand that you always keep your hands well-cleaned. Avoid touching a vascular access site even if your hands are properly cleaned to protect yourself against triggering or spreading infections.
Moreover, your doctor can require you to refrain from tasks or activities that can strain the dialysis access site. Furthermore, do not wear tight clothes or sleep in a position that can put unnecessary pressure on the incision site.
If there are severe issues resulting due to the existence of the dialysis access site, talk with your doctor immediately. For instance, clotting of your blood can narrow your blood vessels; thus, your doctor can prescribe a blood thinning medication.
Contact Vascular Specialists today to book an appointment with a vascular specialist providing dialysis access services.